Our Membership
“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” Walt Disney – Founder, Disney
Entrepreneurs are used to ‘going it alone’, living and breathing their business in both successes and challenges. But that doesn’t mean others can’t help. The KBA provides an invaluable resource for small business owners through collective knowledge, support, and community.
Member Benefits
For nearly 20-years, The Killingly Business Association has been passionate in promoting member businesses through robust marketing & advertising campaigns, interconnected social media, business-to-business networking, and small business workshops. Today with over a 100-members, KBA is stronger than ever - committed to aid in the growth of the town and the business community, with a firm goal of long-term economic growth and development of the town of Killingly, CT.
KBA is open to any business or organization in Killingly, CT, or which services the community of Killingly, CT. Joining KBA allows member businesses to access to a united forum to voice and be heard as well as numerous programs and benefits, including;
Robust marketing & advertising campaigns
Interconnected social media – Facebook & Instagram
Representation on KBA-website, www.killinglyba.org/directory
Business spotlight presentations at Monthly Member Meeting
Business spotlight opportunities on WINY Radio
Business-to-Business networking events
Small Business workshops
Our community only becomes stronger when we work together. Entrepreneur may be used to “going it alone”, but that doesn’t mean the KBA can’t help through our collective knowledge, support, and community.
Executive Board
Committee Chairs
Susie Bernardo
Lexie Brunet
Terri Steele
Jaylee Stokes
Kimberly Sweet
Carrie Vargas